Some random walls, catleaps, pre’s
Some random walls, catleaps, pre’s
A hotspot for local and international traceurs. Suitable for all levels; beginner cat-pres and some
A hotspot for local and international traceurs. Suitable for all levels; beginner cat-pres and some
This small but interesting spot is sure to add that contemporary, post-modern flourish to any hipste
Good roof to climb on.
Bon pour debutant spot
Bar de gym et traction pour workout
Set in Paris’ well-polished business district, the average track-panted traceur may feel out of pl
Another Northern gem, this wonder of walls is a great spot for practicing all the moves for various
A few national treasures lie tucked away in Paris’ North-East. A hop across from the metro station
A few national treasures lie tucked away in Paris’ North-East. A hop across from the metro station
A few national treasures lie tucked away in Paris’ North-East. A hop across from the metro station
A few national treasures lie tucked away in Paris’ North-East. A hop across from the metro station
A few national treasures lie tucked away in Paris’ North-East. A hop across from the metro station
Bondy park, photo bottom right.